A Look Back at the 2022 NEBB Annual Conference

As I look back on the week we spent in Charleston, SC attending meetings, fishing, golfing, and eventually holding the 2022 NEBB Annual Conference, I realize that NEBB represents way more than just a certification. Oftentimes, as we finally achieve the certification we have been working so hard for through many years of experience and countless hours of study and seminars, we think we are done. We’ve achieved the goal – the end result. But what I’ve learned this year as 2022 President of this awesome organization is that what many think of as the end, or the final goal, is really just the beginning of the journey.

That certification that now hangs on your wall isn’t just something that proves you are an expert in your field. It is a ticket to the network of experts in your field that will make you great at what you do. That is what the annual conference is all about! Above and beyond just learning and gaining required CECs each year, we attend the NEBB annual conference to network with like-minded people. We meet new friends. And we reunite with those that we only get to see once per year. We are back together as the family we know as NEBB!

2022 was an exceptional year to stand up on stage and watch so many people hug and smile and laugh. We’ve spent the past few years seeing each other only through small screens or for short meetings. But now we’re back! We got to have drinks, sit for a meal, enjoy time on the water or the golf course catching up and being personal again.

As I mentioned in my opening statements, I’ve been able to get through many of my difficult projects due to my network of friends within NEBB. As I ventured to new countries, I connected with NEBB CPs who had gone before me and offered guidance and mentorship in my new adventures. As I struggled with new equipment and new technologies, I had NEBB vendors come to my rescue. And as I learned the ropes of being NEBB President, board members stood beside and carried me as any good team does. This is when I truly learned what it meant to be a NEBB Professional. I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long.

At the 2022 NEBB Annual Conference, our Thursday adventures took us to both golf courses and the inland waterways of Charleston. We had over 40 golfers, and over 30 fishers across 9 boats. While my boat didn’t catch the biggest fish, I’d be willing to bet we had the most fun! It’s something I wouldn’t have done otherwise on my own, so once again, NEBB brought me to new adventures. The experience left such an impression that my wife and I plan to return soon to charter another boat and spend a full day on the water.

The excitement continued Thursday evening with the opening session featuring Keynote Speaker Mike Goodwin. He spoke about being diligent, present and focused, along with lots of laughter along the way. Later, we rounded out the night at the Charleston Aquarium for the Get Acquainted Party. This is where I saw the magic of NEBB in action! People mingled, enjoyed fantastic food, laughed, and experienced all that the aquarium had to offer, including live animals out and about for us to meet!

Friday and Saturday brought us highly technical and insightful sessions. We had speakers from all over present on topics ranging from Procedural Standards to testing grow facilities to in-depth looks and training on software and meters. Every session was packed full and people were engaged on a level I’ve not witnessed before.

The end of Saturday is always one of my favorite times at the conference, as our vendors host a reception and we get to come together again and talk about what we’ve learned, who we’ve met, tell horror stories, and even give out some prizes and awards.

During the closing session, Mike Goodwin entertained us again, this time speaking about “championship mentality” and dealing with the workplace of today. It put a nice perspective on the conference, the network, the friendships, and the organization as a whole. Furthermore, it gave us all something to work on with our individual firms, and how we deal with people in general. I appreciate Mike spending time with us throughout the conference and getting to know us, even though he still laughs about not having a clue what we do–just that it’s “good stuff.”

Then, of course, the hardest part of the whole thing… leaving. Once again, we part ways. Some of us will not see each other until next year, and some of us perhaps never again. We aren’t promised tomorrow, and for too many, this past year was their last. Sadly, we lost two national volunteers who were actively serving terms in 2022. Roger Wehby was on the NEBB board of directors and passed away in February. Kevin Gaghan was the chair of the NEBB Sound and Vibration Committee and passed away in April. Throughout the conference, we learned of other great NEBB members who had passed away this past year, as well. All were celebrated for the wonderful people they were. They will be missed.

Next year, come out to beautiful Monterey, CA and don’t miss the opportunity to reunite with friends, meet new friends, and take part in the community we know as NEBB. Thank you to everyone for their support this year!

Join us at the 2023 NEBB Annual Conference!