Meet NEBB’s Technical Director: Jeff Schools

We have watched NEBB continue to grow over the past year, not only in size but in key initiatives, as well. Along with many valued volunteers, NEBB staff is essential to NEBB’s ongoing activities. NEBB’s Technical Director position, recently filled by NEBB Past President Jeffrey Schools, plays a fundamental role in many of NEBB’s most discussed initiatives. With experience on the Board as well as chairing and serving various NEBB committees, such as Chapter Affairs, YPN, and TAB, there’s no doubt he’s the right person for the job. Get to know NEBB’s new Technical Director in his own words below.

When did you begin as NEBB’s new Technical Director?

I’m in the office now! My new role was announced at the 2021 NEBB Annual Conference, and I started on November 1, 2021.

Why were you interested in this role?

I always saw the need for a Technical Director from the BOD perspective, and I’ve seen how hard it has been to fill this position. Someone had to do it, so I figured, why not me? I know what we want at NEBB and what we need.

What’s the biggest difference between this role and your previous position?

In my last role at Fisher Balancing, I was a Vice President and knew what I would be working on because I set the pace. Now, here at NEBB, it’s exciting because I never know what’s going to come up next. I constantly get to help people and answer questions. I’ve always been passionate about the work NEBB does, so it’s very exciting.

As Technical Director, what matters most to you?

I’m just thrilled to be in this position. Moving NEBB forward is the only thing that matters to me. I’m happy this opportunity was available, and whatever I can do to help, I’m up for the job!

What are some of your immediate initiatives at NEBB?

As soon as I got on the job, I started calling the contractors about NEBB TEC. I talked to the general contractor and sheet metal guys and told them to get crews in here and that they had to get it done. My job hinges on it. So, we got things going again, and now we just need the equipment donations or deeply discounted—whatever we can get. NEBB TEC is really essential for quality seminars and hands-on learning, so that’s the goal. I really enjoy getting to know and engage with participants in that setting. I want everyone instructing seminars and attending seminars to know I’m here to help. I’m approachable. If you need anything, I’m here for you!

How about your other responsibilities? What do those include?

When technical questions come in, it is my job to help answer them. If I do not know the answer, I’ll find it. I collaborate closely with the technical committees. They add me to email lists and calls for support if they need me to facilitate. I assist however they need. If they are rewriting Procedural Standards, I help to coordinate, write and edit. Recently, I sat in on a Zoom call for the NEBB app. The Committee went through it formula by formula, we need to ensure it’s accurate and efficient to use. I also work closely with NEBB’s publication team on The NEBB Professional, reviewing technical articles.

And you are involved with Title 24 Certification, too?

Yes, I am! Again, I am here to help answer questions and to help steer anyone in California in the right direction.

Wow, you are working on a lot of initiatives. Is there anything else we have not covered?

I am involved with instrumentation. We have everything in Certelligence now, but there is still a lot involved in instrument audits. For example, TAB must submit the name, model number, instrument number and calibration sheet for each instrument—and there are 12 different instruments alone for TAB. I will also be working with Samantha Hawa on the NEBB Learning Center. I am responsible for giving more course content for online educational presentations.

Overall, what is your wish for the future of NEBB?

NEBB is the premier organization for certification, and my wish is that we continue to exist as such in the future. Nobody can hold a candle to what we do, the integrity of NEBB work speaks for itself, and I want this to continue to be the case for both firms and individuals.

Looking to get NEBB Certified? Request your application today.