My Path to Becoming a NEBB Certified Professional

If I am being honest, I would have to say that my journey to becoming a certified NEBB TAB professional started about 20 years ago. I began as a control technician working on boilers and shortly after that I got a job doing residential HVAC installation.

A few months later, I married my wife of 18 years, and at that point started to work for my father-in-law, Robert Hanger, who owned QT&B, LLC. I caught onto my new job responsibilities very quickly, and within a year, I was running as the lead on most of the jobs. Around that same time, my brother-in-law was taking over the business from his father, so I started working for Eric Hanger. I ended up becoming partners with Eric and continued to work hard, learning all I could in this field.

Unfortunately, my brother-in-law then passed away unexpectedly, meaning the success of the business was up to me. I proceeded to spend the next several years growing QT&B and working to become a certified professional (CP) in TAB. My father-in-law was looking forward to retiring, and I knew that I needed years in the field to qualify in order to apply for my CP.

As time ticked on, I got very busy with a family and running a home. It seemed like time just kept moving away from me. It is crazy how fast 20 years can pass you by.

The year 2021 would prove to be a very sad time for our family. In September, my father-in-law passed away from complications of Covid-19. This unfortunate event left my company without a NEBB CP, so I had to make big moves fast. As the only one left to keep the business up and running, I got busy closing out jobs and focusing on my personal certifications.

In February, I applied for my TAB CT, which allowed me to attend the March TAB seminar and take my test to become a Certified Technician–the first step to becoming a NEBB CP in TAB.

I tried multiple times to follow the NEBB study guide for the certified technician (CT) and the CP exam, but I struggled to follow the study course alone. After weeks of studying on my own, I attended the seminar held March 24-27 in Roswell, GA. For someone just going to get their CT, the class may be a little bit too much information. I felt so overwhelmed trying to keep up. But it’s important to note that the instructors had a wealth of knowledge to share and were more than willing to help everyone.

I continued to go to the classes and do my best, but I did not feel comfortable with the test that was coming up because I was worried that I did not understand enough. I decided that it would probably be best to head back to Idaho and continue using the homework quizzes and tests from the seminar for another two weeks as my study guide.

After the two weeks had passed, I scheduled a test at the Idaho State University testing facility in Pocatello, Idaho. I was so nervous for the test, as it had been at least 24 years since I had last taken one. You can only imagine the joy I felt then when I began to take my test and all nervousness subsided as I flew right through it with a confidence that I had not felt through the whole process. I finished my test, submitted it, and was surprised to immediately hear that I had successfully completed my first test.

I continued to study the seminar packet that was presented and provided by instructors Travis Short, Brian Sharkey, and Donald Pittser. The genius thing about this seminar was that all of the tests, quizzes, and answer sheets needed were provided, allowing me to continue to quiz myself and work through the problems to perfect the solutions.

The next seminar I applied for was in Gaithersburg, MD. That seminar was for a Certified Professional. I continued to study and prepare for it each day by adding more and more quizzes from the previous seminar mixed in with my NEBB CT and CP study guide quizzes. I also used the NEBB app to check my answers on the quizzes from the study guide.

When I attended the Gaithersburg seminar, I felt so refreshed and confident at how well I was grasping the knowledge. I guess you could say that I just felt more relaxed and at ease amongst fellow attendees, as well as the instructors. Maybe my confidence level had been boosted from passing my first exam and all of the studying that I had put in. Plus, the instructors really created a great learning environment for me and my test and balance peers. I tend to be much more of a hands-on or visual learner, so it was a great fit. The best part of the seminar was that the guys teaching it all worked in the same field as me and had a vast realm of knowledge from years of the same type of work.

Finally, the time arrived for me to take my TAB CP written exam at NEBB TEC following the June seminar classes. Unlike the first test, I felt good showing up and was not nervous at all. Knowing I had been instructed by some of the best, most knowledgeable people, I felt more than ready to take it on. My confidence that morning was at 100 percent.

We were given a total of 5 hours to take the test, and by the third hour, I was finished. That allowed me enough time to recalculate everything one more time and double-check my answers. I can honestly say that out of 100 questions, I only questioned myself on 3 of them. I finished my test and scheduled my practical exam.

Next, I took the other 2 online tests that I needed for the CP, and by the middle of August, I had passed everything and received my certifications.

It was such a wonderful relief to finally have everything completed! I was so relieved to be able to go back to work and start bidding jobs again.

Through this whole process, my main motivation was to keep my company running and my family fed. I am so grateful for NEBB and how helpful everyone was in helping me through my certification journey. I am particularly thankful for Shelly Lester with Bonneville EBB for her guidance throughout this process and for instructors Travis Short, Donald Pittser, and Brian Sharkey for the help and knowledge they gave me as well as continue to give to others through their excellent seminars.

Looking to get NEBB Certified? Request your application today.