Q&A: NEBB Across the Generations With Jonathen Lloyd

Since 1971, NEBB has been serving firms and individuals that deliver high-performance buildings and systems. As the premier international certifying association in the building industry today, NEBB thrives as a result of collaboration across various generations that all bring different experiences and perspectives to the table.

We sat down with NEBB Board of Directors member Jonathen Lloyd to discuss his personal journey with NEBB.

The NEBB Professional: Seeing that we are focused on the multigenerational aspect of NEBB, what generation do you personally identify with?

Jonathen Lloyd (JL): I’m a millennial.

NP: Briefly explain your journey with NEBB: How did you initially get involved?

JL: I got certified in 2015 to provide the best service and knowledge to my customers. I knew no one from NEBB except my local Chapter President Chris Wright, Technical Committee Chair Paul Chasteauneuf, and our forever cherished Chapter Coordinator Lyn Dyson. In fact, those three were the only people that talked to me for the first few years. So when Lyn asked for volunteers, I always did my best to help.

NP: What made you want to get more involved?

JL: I wanted to serve the organization that gave me purpose! No one ever believed in me before like Lyn did on the day of my exam. I wanted to quit, but Lyn convinced me to at least try. I was and always will be eternally grateful to her for that, which is why I put my hand up for everything she brought forward.

NP: What committees or positions have you been involved with?

JL: I am a founding member of the NEBB Young Professionals Network. I am also a member of the TAB Committee and serve on the NEBB board of directors.

NP: Was it difficult to find the time to volunteer with NEBB?

JL: It is definitely more challenging to find time when working for a business. However, being a steward of industry is something I take very seriously and I give this the highest level of professional importance. There is always time to volunteer, regardless of how busy you are.

NP: How do you feel your involvement with NEBB has been an investment in yourself and your career?

JL: I have been so fortunate to learn from the best in our business! Locally, I was able to learn from Paul Chasteauneuf. There is no one greater than Paul in the metric world. Then, there are my longest serving mentors Jon Sheppard, Don Pittser, and Andy Nolfo. Andy is the smartest man I know! He has shared his knowledge with the TAB Committee and seminar attendees for decades. To learn from guys like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

NP: What would you like to see included in the future of NEBB to help adapt the association for generations to come?

JL: A servant’s heart! How can a non-profit organization serve you best? That is the question we should be asking the industry. We are here to serve you–not the other way around!

Also, transparency. Let’s keep it transparent. We are a by-the-members, for-the-members type of organization. Everything we do is for the members, so let’s empower them with sufficient knowledge to equip them to sustain NEBB globally! I believe we are coming into a season where this will become the heart and soul of this organization.

NP: What do you think could help get the next generation involved?

JL: A sense of purpose. People want to know, “Why should I be involved? What’s in it for me?” The vision needs to be made clear. When this happens, younger professionals will understand what future they are helping to create. It will give them purpose and knowledge that they are creating a better future for themselves and their peers.

NP: What is the biggest challenge for attracting future generations to this industry?

JL: Lack of knowledge of the industry. You can’t join something you know nothing about.

If we can educate the industry and government, and even partner with both, they will become our recruiters. Once industry and government know 100% that NEBB is the best, they will HAVE to make sure that there is a steady line of new blood coming up into the organization.

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