By Brian Hill, on November 15, 2023, The NEBB Professional – Q3 2023 Edition

Since 1971, NEBB has been serving firms and individuals that deliver high performance buildings and systems. As the premier in- ternational certifying association in the building industry today, NEBB thrives as a result of collaboration across various gen- erations that all bring different experiences and perspectives to the table. We sat down with NEBB Board Member Brian Hill to dis- cuss his personal journey with NEBB below:
The NEBB Professional (NP): What generation do you identify with?
Brian Hill (BH): I am a millennial by age, but some- times I feel like I fit in more with the older generation after being in the industry for a while now.
NP: How did you initially get involved with NEBB?
BH: My first exposure to NEBB was when my dad, Don Hill, encouraged me to go take the TAB CT exam in 2012 to broaden my knowledge and learn to lead the way on projects. He has always been a big proponent of investing in oneself and one’s education. After that, I had the opportunity to attend the Cleanroom Performance Testing seminar in San Jose in 2013. At that seminar, I met a lot of other intelligent professionals from around the world and made con- nections with people I still talk to today.
NP: What made you want to get more involved?
BH: Making lifelong connections is one of the most significant values in NEBB; there is so much you can learn from other people and their experiences. As I progressed in my professional career, I attended the 2014 Annual Conference in Fort Lauderdale, where I continued to meet more like-minded people and es- tablish myself within NEBB by taking the Cleanroom Testing Professional exam. Later that year, I was asked to attend an item writing workshop and serve on the Standards Council. From there, I was elected to the board of directors in 2019.
NP: Was it difficult to find the time to volunteer with NEBB?
BH: Volunteering can always be tricky. Trying to find the work/life balance is nearly impossible these days between working 80-hour weeks, finding time for the gym, social life, involvement with other professional organizations, and a little bit of sleep somewhere in the mix. Sometimes, I find myself going through security at the airport while on a board meeting call.
NP: How do you feel your involvement with NEBB has been an investment in yourself and your career?
BH: To me, there is a lot of value in being involved with NEBB, again from the standpoint of making connections. Plus, giving back to the organization and bettering our brand so that we can help other individuals and firms.
NP: What would you like to see included in the future of NEBB to help adapt the association for generations to come?
BH: When I first started with NEBB, there wasn’t a Young Professionals Network; I was the “kid” in the room and at most of the seminars and conferences. It could be intimidating sometimes, but you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Since then, the YPN has started to help get future generations involved in NEBB, and some excellent talent is com- ing up! I think that seeing some youth involvement in the organization will help us (NEBB) stay current with market trends and attract more members from the younger demographic.
NP: What is the biggest challenge for attracting fu- ture generations to this industry?
BH: As a millennial, I was born at an interesting time. We went from calling our friends on a landline in el- ementary school to everyone having cell phones and being available nearly 24/7 by high school. We quick- ly adapted to technology, but still have that nostalgic view of how things were when we were kids. I see a future divide between blue-collar/white-collar and office/remote work environments. In our industry, it takes everyone to succeed–and a solid work ethic is the most important piece.