Q+A: NEBB Across the Generations with Rodney Hinton

Since 1971, NEBB has been serving firms and individuals that deliver high-performance buildings and systems. As the premier international certifying association in the building industry today, NEBB thrives as a result of collaboration across various generations that all bring different experiences and perspectives to the table. This time we sat down with NEBB Board of Directors’ member Rodney Hinton to discuss his personal journey with NEBB.

The NEBB Professional (NP): What generation do you identify with?

Rodney Hinton (RH): Baby Boomers!

NP: Briefly explain your journey with NEBB: How did you initially get involved?

RH: I became TAB certified in 1991 because I wanted technical training so that we would be recognized as the best in the industry in our market.

NP: What committees or positions have you been involved with?

RH: I’ve been on the TAB committee under the leadership of Mr. Nick White and on the BET committee under the leadership of Mr. Phil Emory. I am currently on the BOD and EFC.

NP: Was it difficult to find the time to volunteer with NEBB?

RH: Volunteer time is always difficult but is necessary to advance the industry.

NP: How do you feel your involvement with NEBB has been an investment in yourself and your career?

RH: Being involved with NEBB has allowed me to learn from many of the best in the industry, including Mr. Dave Bevirt, Mr. George Hightower, Mr. Chester Thomas, Mr. Ron Kidd, and many others. They all volunteered their time and invested in me.

NP: What would you like to see included in the future of NEBB to help adapt the association for generations to come?

RH: I would like to see us promote NEBB by educating the end user and building owners/operators that we exist to validate ventilation in the indoor environment. We are currently working on this as a board.

NP: What do you think could help get the next generation involved?

RH: Educating the end users on the value of NEBB Certified Professionals.

NP: What is the biggest challenge for attracting future generations to this industry?

RH: Time!

NP: Is there a way that challenge could be solved?

RH: One possibility would be offering a discount for individuals volunteering and increase cost for those that just use the resources.

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