NEBB Fees Increase Notice

Gaithersburg, MD – NEBB, the premier international certification associate for firms that deliver high performance buildings systems:

Dear NEBB Firms, Professionals and Technicians,

We hope this message finds you well. We want to express our gratitude for your continued support and dedication to our Association over the years.

As a nonprofit affiliate, our mission is “To develop and maintain Procedural Standards, training programs, and certification programs that establish guidelines, requirements, and competency for firms and individuals who provide performance verification and enhancement to the built environment” and NEBB volunteers have been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals.

In the last eleven years, the total increase for NEBB Firm Base dues was only adjusted $50, during which time we have strived to maintain affordability while delivering valuable services and programs to our affiliates. However, we find ourselves at a juncture where we must address the realities of rising costs and inflation.

Over the past same eleven years, the cost of living has increased by 28% according to the CPI data. This steady rise in living expenses affects not only individuals but also organizations like ours, as we endeavor to provide essential services and support to our affiliates.

After careful consideration and analysis, NEBB’s Leadership has decided to implement an increase in our annual dues. Beginning January 1, 2025 (invoiced August 1, 2024)

We understand that any increase may pose a challenge for some of our affiliates, and we assure you that this decision was not made lightly. However, it is essential for us to keep pace with the cost of living to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of our organization.

The additional revenue generated from this adjustment will enable us to expand programs, offer hands-on training seminars, improve services and maintain our day-to-day operations.

Once again, we thank you for your unwavering support and understanding as we navigate these necessary adjustments together. Together, we can continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.